2 min readNov 29, 2020


I blink a few times in the mirror that holds my reflection. I take a look at the lady I know and how much she has evolved. I listen to my heart and I can now hear what it says to me. I stare at my dads eyes and his dark circles. My eyes light up. I smile. I smile like my mother ; so wide, so big and full of life. I feel so content. Carressing my skin with a soft serum, I picture all the times my mom and sister would hold conversations about getting their eyebrows done. My eyebrows feel so big. I feel so good. Brown skin women are so hairy and it always amuses me because that’s naturally how a woman was made. She was made to look this way, to feel so profound. I didn’t know what I was doing or who I was trying to look into. In many ways, she follows us all. She creeps into our lives every night overhearing our cries, pain and laughter. We carry her with us and she refuses to stop following us. Life keeps going just as the sun, moon and planets all orbit around us making her known to us all. She sings to us ever so softly of our tales through our adolescence. We call her time. This feeling I have is acknowledging time and her prescence with me. My wrinkles, pores and freckles all seemed to be right where they were supposed be. Time came to me and brought me age. She brought me wisdom. She brought me memories. I took a photo to capture the moment. With time.

Surah Al-Asr (Time)

1 By (the Token of) Time (through the ages),

2 Verily Man is in loss,

3 Except such as have Faith, and do righteous deeds, and (join together) in the mutual teaching of Truth, and of Patience and Constancy.




Roaming the streets of the nightingale, whispering Persian tales to the brown skinned & weary souls. Writer | Creative Director |